Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Updated 5th January 2024.

Terms & Conditions between 'Rugby Web Design Limited' and 'the Client' are described below.

Any purchase or use of service implies that 'the Client' has read and accepted these terms and conditions.

1. Pricing

  1. Quotations are valid for two months from the date of issue to the first staged payment being made. 
  2. While Rugby Web Design Limited will always aim to invoice based on the estimated quotation, sometimes the final invoice price may differ. This is because it is common for clients to make changes to the original brief or request additional features during the build process.
  3. All requests for additional work or changes to the quoted specification must be provided in writing (for example, by email).
  4. An allowance for in-person meetings, video calls or phone calls is accounted for in the quotation. However, an additional charge may be made if extra sessions are required.
  5. Full project specifications will be required if the Client requires a fixed price. This will require all website content to be provided and the design and functionality to be fully specified.
  6. Occasionally Rugby Web Design Limited may be asked to liaise with a third party on the Client's behalf (such as an old hosting company or domain registrar). Any costs incurred will be added to the final invoice if a third party requests payment.
  7. Additional works carried out after the initial build will be chargeable at a rate of £39 per hour* (minimum 30-minute charge).
    *Hourly rate is open to constant review.
  8. All prices will be subject to VAT at the prevailing rate, currently 20%.

2. Payment Stages

  1. Before work commences, and for the avoidance of doubt, Rugby Web Design Limited will request acceptance of the quote and acceptance of these terms.
  2. A first 'staged payment' of 25% of the estimated quote is required before the commencement of any work.
  3. For overseas clients, a first 'staged payment' of 50% of the estimated quote is required before the commencement of any work.
  4. Should a project not progress in a timely manner due to delays from the client, Rugby Web Design Limited reserves the right to issue interim invoices. Typically, interim invoices will be issued at two monthly intervals and consist of a further 25% payment.
  5. The final balance will be required before the website is published on the domain. Similarly, full payment is required before master artwork files are supplied or a website project is transferred to the client's control.

3. Payments

  1. Invoices will be sent via email which will include electronic fund transfer details and a Stripe link to pay via card. Rugby Web Design Limited does not accept cash or cheques.
  2. All invoices should be settled within seven days of the invoice issue date.
  3. Late payment of invoices could result in the suspension of service. This could mean that the website and any linked email service stops working. Reinstatement of a suspended service will incur a £20 administration fee, payable prior to the recommencement of service.
  4. Non-payment of invoices will be pursued. Interest may be added and any legal fees or costs will become payable.

4. Web Hosting Payments

  1. Website hosting is payable yearly in advance. A minimum of 30 days' notice is required prior to the anniversary date to cancel a hosting plan.
  2. Refunds cannot be made if a hosting plan is cancelled mid-term.
  3. Rugby Web Design Limited will only renew Webflow hosting if payment has been received prior to the renewal date.
  4. Webflow hosting renewals will be invoiced four weeks in advance, this is to allow for the standard 'seven day terms', plus three automated late-payment reminders. If an invoice is still not paid at the third reminder, the website hosting will not be renewed and thus, the website will drop offline.
  5. Purchase of a new hosting plan (rather than a continuation) may result in a higher price being charged by Webflow.
  6. Webflow hosting prices are open to constant review and change, this reflects pricing charged by Webflow and international exchange rates.
    Last update (slight price reduction) 22/02/2024.

5. Your details

  1. It is vital you ensure Rugby Web Design Limited has up-to-date contact details. If your details change, it is your responsibility to inform us.
  2. Failure to ensure we have your up-to-date contact details risks invoices being missed, which if unpaid, will result in suspension of your service. (Your website and emails stop working).

6. The build process

  1. Initially, a single page will be built, to showcase the planned website design, stylesheet, use of fonts, colour and layout. At this stage, you will be asked to provide feedback. Your client feedback will help steer the rest of the project build.
  2. Once the build is in a finished state, the Client is provided with the opportunity to request one round of revisions.
  3. Upon completion of any revisions, the project is deemed completed.
  4. Additional works carried out after the initial build will be chargeable at the current hourly rate. (1.g)

7. Intellectual property rights

  1. All written content supplied must be original work. In addition, clients must not copy/paste from other websites, this could have serious consequences involving IP Lawyers.

    Note: search engines such as Google punishes copied content, their automated algorithms can detect copied work, which could result in a website being removed from its index.
  2. Images must fall into one of the following categories:

    The Client has taken the photograph, or the Client has obtained express permission from the image owner, EG: a professional photographer employed by the client.

    They must be a licenced (paid) image from a service such as Shutterstock.

    They must have been sourced from a Royalty-Free Image website, such as Pexels or Unsplash.

    Note: It is becoming increasingly common for IP Lawyers to use 'Reverse Image Searches' to find websites using images unlawfully. These IP Lawyers will aggressively pursue copyright infringements and charge extortionate amounts for each image violation.
  3. Rugby Web Design Limited reserves the right to refuse to use content supplied if the provenance is doubful,or it is considered that it may infringe a third party's copyright.
  4. Rugby Web Design Limited reserves the right to claim authorship of all designs for which we have been responsible and to reproduce any works in a reasonable way for our own marketing purposes.

8. Indemnity

  1. The Client agrees to indemnify and hold Rugby Web Design Limited harmless from any claims resulting from the use of our service that damages the Client or a third party.

9. Liability

  1. Rugby Web Design Limited excludes itself from all and any liability from:
    - Loss or damage caused by any inaccuracy
    - Loss or damage caused by omission
    - Loss or damage caused by delay or error

10. Domain Names

  1. Domain names which are purchased on the Client's behalf will periodically require renewal. An administration charge of £10 is made for periodical domain management on the Client's behalf.
  2. The Client can request the domain to be unlocked for transfer to their own registrar account at any time, providing their Rugby Web Design account is paid up-to-date.

11. Transfer of a Webflow Project

  1. A Webflow website project can be transferred to another Webflow account. For example, a client's own Webflow account, or an account belonging to another Webflow developer.
  2. Transfer of a project to another Webflow account will only take place once any outstanding payments have been settled.
  3. If transferred to another account, Rugby Web Design Limited can no longer manage the website, unless invited as a guest in the new account 'Workspace'.
  4. If transferred to another account, any period of hosting left will be lost. A new hosting plan will need to be purchased within the new Webflow account.
  5. Further, certain elements, such as form data and custom code will be stripped during the transfer process. The stripping of data is performed automatically, Rugby Web Design Limited has no control over this process.
  6. It is not possible to transfer a Webflow project to another platform (for example, to Wix or Squarespace).

12. Website Browsers

  1. Rugby Web Design Limited websites are designed and tested to function on all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari).  It cannot be guaranteed that a Client's website will always work correctly on every device, particularly if a visitor is viewing on older or outdated browsers. (EG: Internet Explorer).
  2. Rugby Web Design Limited does not accept responsibility if a website stops displaying correctly at a date later than when the website was published.  Browsers are constantly updating, and there may come a time when a Client's website requires work to address display issues on new versions of a particular browser. Any such work will be chargeable. 

13. General

  1. These Terms and Conditions supersede all previous representations, understandings or agreements.
  2. The acceptance in the form below, or any purchase, or use of service provided by Rugby Web Design Limted implies that the Client has read and accepted these terms and conditions. 

Acceptance of Terms & Conditions

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